Monitoring Covid = Your Safety Matters!

Monitoring Covid = Your Safety Matters!


Drive Hart are actively monitoring the daily figures about Covid 19 and sharing the information to other groups in Wiltshire.

The the purpose of monitoring and reporting on trends is to ensure we have a good understanding of the levels of risk to our students and instructors and can adjust our approach to tacking the risk of infection/contamination through our Covid Secure Policies and Procedures. At present these arrangements as well as regular monitoring of trends, include:

  • Use of face coverings
  • Appropriate and defined cleaning procedures after each student,
  • Health screening with every student.
  • Removal of potential contamination sources (paperwork etc by going on-line with student records and payments)

The BBC have been instrumental in bringing this information together in understandable format each day see the link for today update…..great thank you to BBC for their consistent work on this front, see todays link to their updates:

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